If you’re a real estate professional, you know just how important customer experience is to the industry. Buying a home is a personal and potentially emotional process. Now more than ever, clients are looking for a personalized experience, with recommendations based on their individual preferences.
As a real estate agent, you are in a people-based industry, and likely are looking for ways to constantly improve the relationship between you and your clients, as well as a way to further your connections between yourself and your fellow real estate professionals, from realtors to contractors.
For decades, traditional business cards have been the status quo when it came to exchanging contact information. However, not only are paper cards harmful to our environment, but studies show that they are becoming increasingly ineffective, with over 80% of paper business cards being thrown out within 2 weeks of distribution.
Have you found yourself:
- Getting little to no response from handing out your business card?
- Failing to get timely positive reviews from recent clients?
- Generating little website clicks/views and low social media engagement?
Imagine a single card that could solve all these problems and enhance how your network.
Introducing — mTap
Contactless tech is the newest trend of the 21st century. There is no doubt that Covid-19 has permanently altered the ways in which we interact with one another, and accelerated the need for digital connections.
More specifically, the digital business card has taken off in the last few years. Using NFC technology already installed on most mobile devices, these virtual cards are an excellent way to get your name and contact info out there and share your professional work with others, via links such as your personal website, Facebook, and listings page.
With mTap digital business cards, potential buyers or sellers can save your complete contact information directly to their phone by simply tapping your card on their phone. Important contacts can instantly save your phone number, social media, or any other links you choose! Those same connections can share their information with you digitally where it will be stored in your Leads List. mTap is the secret to creating a valuable leads list for Real Estate Agents. It is a truly transformative technology ideal for making professionals whose business is to make powerful connections.
mTap Business Cards for Real Estate Agents
As a real estate professional, you can utilize mTap in endless ways to present your personal brand to potential clients and fellow real estate pros. You can share your email, phone number, address, personal website/portfolio, and social media accounts (including LinkedIn and Instagram) with a tap.
You can also share online listings of available homes directly to your client’s phone, and add custom links and files of high-quality photo and video content for homes on display. Your profile is SEO-optimized to gain the highest possible exposure.
Other easy-to-share links available include:
- Files like blueprints, pamphlets, and paperwork.
- Review forms to generate immediate feedback and grow your online reputation
- Digital calendar to schedule showings
- Google/Apple map locations to announce upcoming open-houses and featured listings
- Online payment methods
mTap stands out from other digital business cards out on the market right now because of the sheer number of highly-customizable links that are available at your disposal. In real estate, your reputation and relationship you establish with clients is ideal — what better way to ensure their home-buying process is seamless, efficient, and overall successful than having all the information they’ll need to be linked to one source?
Picture this: You’re hosting an open house, and are hoping to collect contact info from buyers. Rather than struggling to flag people down to get them to manually write down their info on a sign-in sheet, or haggling them so that they’ll take your business card, mTap offers a simple solution. You may easily share your contact and follow-up information with them, as well as blueprints and high-definition photos and videos of the property you’re showing with one simple tap. With our leads function, you can save their name and number when they view your mTap profile. You can also ask these potential clients to follow your Instagram, subscribe to your newsletter, and schedule a follow-up meeting on your Calendly or Zoom — all information that is now at their fingertips.
Later on, when closing on the same property, you can tap again and or ask them to go to your link saved in their contacts where they will find the link to leave an online review and rating on Google Review sharing their experience.
A great real estate agent makes it their goal to relieve the stress of purchasing a new property, and satisfying your client. Many clients are also sensitive and very specific about their needs; therefore, client relations are of utmost importance in the industry.
Interested in reinventing your brand, expanding your client base, and networking efficiently as a real estate agent? With our NFC-capable digital business cards, the possibilities are endless. Contact-free, cost-effective, and simple to use, you can’t go wrong!
The process is simple:
- Order your mTap online.
- Set up your mTap Profile using your mTap Dashboard( the hub where you control what links are visible on your online profile) and customize your digital card with a profile picture or logo.
- Get to linking your website, socials, and other basic contact info.
After set-up is complete and your mTap is calibrated, you can walk into your next interaction with confidence, knowing your clients will be impressed.
Purchase your mTap digital business card today, and watch your new connections flow seamlessly and your clients become not only satisfied but impressed by your professionalism.