Why mTap? is fun

Not only there are many, many mTap devices to choose based on your personal taste but also your online profile will play to your command. Choose your layout and apply the color of your choice. 

mTap Key Fobs, mTap Business Cards, mTap Stickers, mTap Magnets and mTap Window Stickers, all in various colors and sizes. 

Get your favorite mTap today style your profile brining a big smile on your face.

Change Your mTap profile look to your taste 

You don’t have to be blue with mTap. In fact, you can be white, black, gray, green, orange, red, purple or yellow too! Your mTap profile layout doesn't have to be professional. You may choose a corporate, new age or funky. 

mTap Profile Layout: The way your contact information and links are displayed.

mTap Profile Theme: The different colors available for the layout. 

Here is how easy it is to customize your mTap Profile:

  1. Login to your mTap account
  2. Open your dashboard 
  3. Choose mTap layout ( Coming soon) 
  4. Choose mTap Theme in the menu on the left
  5. Choose your color, Preview and Apply

There you go! You are no longer blue … unless you want to be!

Networking Pro-Tip

Add your mTap Profile to your email signatures. Use your mTap profile in your connection requests on the web. Print the Free QR on print media to bring people to your mTap profile.

Grow your connections with the power of mTap.

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions about mTap.