Are you a business professional, professional sales person or even building your downline for your network marketing business? It's time to stop handing out paper business cards that never get looked at and start transfeering the power of your brand to prospects, customers, colleagues and partners. mTap Cards are much, much more than a digital business card, as you can set customizable links for more than your contact information, but also your website, videos, social media and much, much more. Put the power of mTap to work for your business and never let someone throw away your contact information again.
Revolutionize your networking with the smart Flexible Card, designed for modern professionals who value convenience and style. This innovative card features advanced NFC technology, allowing you to share your contact information and digital content with a tap. Its flexible design ensures durability and ease of use, making it perfect for everyday carry. Networking at events, meetings, or social gatherings has never been easier. Simply tap the card against a compatible device to share your details there and then. Its sleek appearance and customizable options make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to make a lasting impression.
How it works:
1. Tap and Share
You can share your mTap profile simply by tapping it on your smartphone.
2. Open mTap Profile
The mTap profile will directly open in the browser, making it easy to access and share your information with anyone.
3. Save contacts
The Mtap card lets you directly save the contact information into the app by extracting all the important information.
Shipment and Returns:
USA Customers: You can expect to receive your shipment within 2-5 business days.
Non-USA Customers: You can expect to receive your shipment within 5-14 business days.
Returns Policy:
We do not accept returns.
If you have any queries regarding your order please contact or go through our refund refund-policy for more details.
Are you a business professional, professional sales person or even building your downline for your network marketing business? It's time to stop handing out paper business cards that never get looked at and start transfeering the power of your brand to prospects, customers, colleagues and partners. mTap Cards are much, much more than a digital business card, as you can set customizable links for more than your contact information, but also your website, videos, social media and much, much more. Put the power of mTap to work for your business and never let someone throw away your contact information again.
Revolutionize your networking with the smart Flexible Card, designed for modern professionals who value convenience and style. This innovative card features advanced NFC technology, allowing you to share your contact information and digital content with a tap. Its flexible design ensures durability and ease of use, making it perfect for everyday carry. Networking at events, meetings, or social gatherings has never been easier. Simply tap the card against a compatible device to share your details there and then. Its sleek appearance and customizable options make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to make a lasting impression.
How it works:
1. Tap and Share
You can share your mTap profile simply by tapping it on your smartphone.
2. Open mTap Profile
The mTap profile will directly open in the browser, making it easy to access and share your information with anyone.
3. Save contacts
The Mtap card lets you directly save the contact information into the app by extracting all the important information.
Shipment and Returns:
USA Customers: You can expect to receive your shipment within 2-5 business days.
Non-USA Customers: You can expect to receive your shipment within 5-14 business days.
Returns Policy:
We do not accept returns.
If you have any queries regarding your order please contact or go through our refund refund-policy for more details.